1. 페이지에 레이아웃을 설정하기
초기이벤트에 레이아웃 추가하는 자바스크립트
- 필요한 파일
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../codebase/dhtmlx.css">
<script src="../codebase/dhtmlx.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- 레이아웃 오브젝트 생성
var myLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject({
parent: document.body, // parent container
pattern: "3T" // layout pattern
myLayout.cells("a").setText("New Text");
myLayout.setAutoSize("a;b", "c");
var GMaps = myLayout.cells("b").attachMap();
2. 분할된 특정 레이아웃에 Grid 배정하기
mygrid = dhxLayout.cells("a").attachGrid();
mygrid.imgURL = "/grid/dhtmlxGrid/codebase/imgs/csh_dhx_skyblue/";
//the path to images required by grid mygrid.setImagePath("./codebase/imgs/"); mygrid.setHeader("Sales,Book title,Author,Price");//the headers of columns mygrid.setInitWidths("100,250,150,100"); //the widths of columns mygrid.setColAlign("right,left,left,left"); //the alignment of columns mygrid.setColTypes("ro,ed,ed,ed"); //the types of columns mygrid.setColSorting("int,str,str,int"); //the sorting types mygrid.init(); //finishes initialization and renders the grid on the page
3. Grid에 이벤트 처리하기
mygrid.attachEvent("onRowSelect", doOnRowSelected)